Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Yanceys Part IV

Dear Friends and Family,

Merry Christmas everyone! I am so glad it is that time of year again. I can’t believe that this is the 4th year I have done the annual family Christmas letter on Jeff’s blog. This has saved us so much money because we do not have to send Christmas cards to everyone, just our closest friends and family. I decorated my house so nice again this year. If you come onto our street and tune in to 720 AM, you can listen to Jingle Bell Rock sung in 7 different languages all timed to the moving light display. I got the tip from a new store I found downtown run by Arabs. It is so nice to make friends with people from the Middle East so you know they are not terrorists.

We moved this past summer to Lehi because one of our friends showed us this cute house in a more family friendly neighborhood. Now we have a bathroom for each person in the house plus two for guests. I make Jeff use the one downstairs because men are so gross. He wants to put a urinal in the garage but I won’t let him. Jacob Black wouldn’t build a urinal in the garage.

I didn’t think I was going to get this blog posted because I have been so busy this year. I am putting so many miles on my new BMW 335d. The girls at the salon are so impressed at how I have reduced my carbon footprint. I insisted on getting a hybrid so I can feel like I am saving the world, even though global warming is just a bunch of political garbage.

Speaking of political garbage…I met Sarah Palin. She came to a Costco in Salt Lake City and I swallowed my pride and got a membership. Humility is a virtue! I love how she has gone rogue and isn’t letting anyone tell her how to be except her press agent and several of the republican elite. What’s more, she just dresses and acts just like a woman should…just like me!

I am pretty much to my regular self…real estate, my non-profit No Pay Shui, plus I am starring in A Miracle on 34th Street put on by the Lehi Community Theater and I am also playing the Ghost of Christmas Present (the cute one) in the Alpine Community Theater. I am also writing a poetry anthology, scrapbooking, training for an Ultra, teaching zumba, perfecting my talents on the oboe, learning Italian and Sanskrit and selling NuSkin. I was going to sell Scentsy but I decided that it is too trendy.

Jeff is pretty much back to normal. Besides wanting to put a urinal in our garage he is working on his first screenplay. It is an adventure movie musical meshing the storylines of The Lord of the Rings and The Godfather set in the times of the pioneers crossing the planes. Apparently, Brigham Young is a mixture of Gandalf the Grey and Vito Corleone. I really don’t know what to do with my husband, he is certainly no Edward.

Jefanie has joined me in the wonderful world of acting. She is actually recreating the role of Tiny Tim in community theater. The director was opposed to it first, but I told him that if my daughter wasn’t in the role of Tiny Tim I would put on my own production. I was going to have her join me in the other show, but she is so busy with her music (she plays 7 instruments now), her sports (she plays in 5 sports), her dancing (she does 11 different dance styles) and her school (she is the top of all of her classes). I think she is the best little girl in the history of 14 year old girls, except…well…for me.

Cymfanie has started playing roller derby. Jeff thought it wasn’t the best thing for her, but I am glad she is participating in team sports. She is 12 now and I think it is good for her to get out of the house and stop playing that stupid tuba. She calls herself “Mom Hater” which I think means she hates all of the other players that could potentially become mothers. I am glad she is doing it because we really seem to have connected. She will never be as close as Jefanie and I, but it is so nice to have another daughter as a friend.

I made such a silly mistake and left our 8 year old son in O’Hare airport. I was there to open a new chapter of No Pay Shui and Jeff urged me to take him along. I got so busy thinking about all of the stuff I needed to do I just climbed on the plane. It was good because I was able to convince a person in the seat next to me to be a NuSkin distributor and didn’t have to worry about how my son was doing back in coach. Oh, he is home okay. Jeff went and got him.

Our dog Selma had a litter of 12 puppies this year. One of the pups was so cute I just had to keep him. Jeff said we really could only have one dog so I gave Selma away to the shelter with the rest of the puppies. Our new puppy is so cute. Cymfanie wanted to name him after me and although I was flattered, I thought it silly for a boy dog to have a girl’s name. I wound up naming him Anderson after my favorite CNN personality, but we call him Annie for short.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All!


Jeff, Stephanie, Jefanie, Cymfanie and Annie.