Monday, December 10, 2007

Merry Christmas from the Yanceys part Deux.

Dear Family and Friends,

I decided to leave up the blog from last year so you can see how things have changed. Just click on Merry Christmas from the Yanceys on the right!

What a crazy year this has been! The house looks great this year like it always does, Jeff keeps thinking that the money should be used for more altruistic endeavors. I think the best way I can spread Christmas cheer is to make my house as pretty as possible. Besides, I spent over $1500 at that Oriental store. Now they will be able to get the old man's teeth whitened. It feels so good to help someone else have a Christmas miracle, even if they are Buddhists.

Things have been busy for us, we did some remodeling of our home which was such a mess. I decided that I wanted taupe stucco instead of tan and it was so worth it. I want us to get a new Lexus that matches the house better but Jeff seems to think that is too much. I am just going to die when the girls come over for book club in March to not have a matching house and car. Sorry to those of you who have not been invited to that, maybe after Gail finally expands her living room. (jk)

I decided that I needed some new hobbies on top of everything else I have been doing. I decided to learn French, start a small travel agency, write a food column in the local paper and start a non-profit organization. My French is coming along really well, I listen to it every time I go for a run and I speak better than most French people. Of course, you know that when I am not involved in my many, many interests I am with the girls down at the salon. Oh, I almost forgot! I am also campaigning for Mitt Romney. I really don’t know what he stands for, but he must be the best because he is Mormon.

Jeff needed to find himself so he completely stopped writing and started some garage band called Tyra's Forehead. He says it is a way of rediscovering his youthful vitality. I think it is just noise and a huge waste of time. The band has some album coming out in a few weeks, called Easing Hormone Anxiety. He keeps sitting around the house with his guitar singing stupid songs about carmel and homing pigeons. He also started on this cabbage diet and has lost over 100 lbs. He looks really sick to me and I think he should just get hair plugs.

Jefanie is becoming so pretty. She is 12 years old now and flourishing as a beautiful young woman. She is so incredibly talented and capable, I don’t know what to do! She is just like her mom. She received the Most Promising Girl of Sandy Award, Princess of the Year for Sandy and the prestigious American Beauty of Sandy, Draper and Riverton (which also includes Herriman). I just know she will be homecoming queen here in a few years. She was on the honor roll in her school each quarter and she was the MVP in every sport she played in last year. She wrote a poem that took first place in a national competition. She is my perfect child!

Cimfanie is 10 and has become really weird. She dresses all in black and wears black lipstick. She also listens to the worst music. I try to get her to dress and act more like her sister, but she just throws the cute make up and outfits I give her in the trash. I made her stop taking her tuba lessons because I really didn’t like her teacher. The teacher kept telling her that she was some sort of musical genius, but I don’t think he should be getting her hopes up. What do they teach those teachers at that stupid Julliard academy anyway? Jeff and I argued about her a lot this year. We argued about my country music too.

I totally forgot our 7 or 8 year old son in last year’s newsletter. Sorry.

I regret to inform you that our dog of 20 years, Gretchen, passed away last March. She was such a sweet little friend. We buried her in the backyard which is against city ordinances but I wanted her close to me forever. We are thinking of moving to Alpine next year and Jeff said he will not dig her up if we do. We will just have to see. We did get a new dog that looks just like a mini Gretchen, so we call her Minigretch. Jeff says her name sounds gross, but he is just a guy with a one-track mind.

I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas. Be sure to vote for Mitt!

With Christmas Love,

Stephanie, Jeff, Jefanie, Cymfanie and Minigretch.


Anonymous said...

You don't know me. My name is Alayna Holbrook and I am Marla Holbrook's daughter (Teresa May's niece). I was talking to my mom the other day and telling her how funny I thought it would be to send my friends a fake Christmas letter(since I am single and all of my friends are married). So she told me about your blog...and I have never laughed so hard! I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed some of your ideas. It is just too funny not to share! Have a great Christmas!
-Alayna Holbrook

Jeff Y. said...


Yes, I do know you, we have met before a long time ago. Good luck on your Christmas letter, tell your mom hi for me. -JY

Penelope said...

Dearest Jeffrey,

Say hello to Stephani and the kids for me. It has been so long since we have gotten together – was it last at “The Burning Man” in Nevada (oh, good times, good times). Speaking of that last event, did you two take Cimfanie to have that tattoo laser removed from her left buttock?

Anyway, I wrote mainly to wish you all holiday greetings. There is a possibility that we may drive up from Vernon (to have my bunions checked) so we may drop by to drop off some gifts. Wondering if you might still need a new pair of shoes – I recall you being such a great dancer.

Thanks again for sending us all of the posters reminding us all to vote for Mitt Romney. All of the 236 people in Vernon are convinced that he will be the best president for us in the upcoming election (by the way, what does he stand for anyway?).

Despite all that has happened since we’ve seen each other, I still think that you are a “Good Egg”!!!!

Hugs from: Your Biggest Fan

Penelope said...

Dearest Jeffrey,

Say hello to Stephani and the kids for me. It has been so long since we have gotten together – was it last at “The Burning Man” in Nevada (oh, good times, good times). Speaking of that last event, did you two take Cimfanie to have that tattoo laser removed from her left buttock?

Anyway, I wrote mainly to wish you all holiday greetings. There is a possibility that we may drive up from Vernon (to have my bunions checked) so we may drop by to drop off some gifts. Wondering if you might still need a new pair of shoes – I recall you being such a great dancer.

Thanks again for sending us all of the posters reminding us all to vote for Mitt Romney. All of the 236 people in Vernon are convinced that he will be the best president for us in the upcoming election (by the way, what does he stand for anyway?).

Despite all that has happened since we’ve seen each other, I still think that you are a “Good Egg”!!!!

Hugs from: Your Biggest Fan

Unknown said...

What? This is still here? So much has happened since Christ mas. So many missed opportunities: Flamming Onions, April fools, not to mention all the stupid news. The Big Ride is comming. Can you be accoutable to be our bloggist? This lack of performance has me a little worried. I know that you volunteered to do our blog and that you may not be comming, but geeze! Christmas! I expect more out of a thirteen year streak holder like yourself. I guess you are doing better than Matumbo.