Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Yanceys 2008!

Dear family and friends!

It is time for another Christmas letter. I think this is the third year doing it on Jeff's blog and I think it is the way to go. I sent the most beautiful Christmas cards (to my really close friends) that I got from the Oriental Store downtown before they went out of business. I also picked up all of the decorations I needed to make our home the most beautiful in Alpine at close-out prices. I am going to miss that store, but I guess that is what happens when you don’t work hard enough to succeed.

This has been such a busy year. We moved to Alpine. We got rid of our old dog and got a new one. I made one of the biggest decisions of my life and changed my hair color. I went from bleach blond with natural lowlights to natural blond with bleach highlights. My real estate business was slowing so I needed to add some excitement. I also think it goes better with the leather seats my new black Lexus. The girls at scrapbooking night didn’t say anything about the change, but I knew what they all were thinking.

Besides that I am being much more giving of myself. My non-profit organization is taking off. I don’t know if all of you are aware, but I am the CEO, president and executive director of No Pay Shui, where I provide free feng shui consulting for poor people. It feels so good to help people who can’t decorate for themselves. I am still painting, crafting, training for an Iron Man, teaching spin classes and creating new, nummy smoothies.

Jeff had a strange phase this year. After his band split up (even after I took over the management) he started dumping dirt into the basement. He spent all day and night for weeks building this strange looking mountain. He didn’t shower, eat or sleep. Every time I went in the basement he just insisted, “This means something, this is important!” He spent a few days in the hospital after collapsing and is better now. He is happy working at the Alpine Subway and his hair plugs make him look so much better.

Jefanie is still my perfect little princess. She is just blossoming and blossoming. She is just 13 and is already taking Utah county by storm. She is just like me in that she excels in everything she does. She still plays the harp, piano, flute, violin and oboe and is first chair in all sections of the Utah County Youth Orchestra. She also finds time for her ballroom dancing, ballet, Latin dancing, Irish Dancing, modern dance and clogging. She was the MVP on her volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball and lacrosse teams and she was asked to not compete in the Miss Utah County competition because other girls just wouldn’t stand a chance.

Cymfanie has really turned her life around. She is starting to wear pretty clothes and make up that I like. She is making a big effort in taking extra study classes after school and on weekends. When she comes home she is so relaxed (except she is really hungry) and smells so nice of toothpaste and Febreeze. Jeff thinks that she is hiding something, but I think she has found her inner rosebud and is ready to bloom. I think it has something to do with her new set of friends.

I keep forgetting to tell what is going on with our son in these letters. I just get so distracted with all of the activities I am involved in. Rest assured that I am a fantastic mother and none of my children will ever go without attention or care.

Like I said before we had to get rid of our dog Minigretch. She just wasn’t as loving as Gretchen was. Jefanie and I didn’t like her at all. Really, the only one who liked her was Cymfanie, but I know she understands why we replaced her. Our new dog is name Selma and she is the sweetest most perfect dog in the world. She is purebred (of course) and has the nicest bark. We have to be careful because she runs up and growls at people passing by, but I know that she is too sweet to bite anyone.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Jeff, Stephanie, Jefanie, Cymfanie, and Selma. 


Alayna said...

another classic...

A day in life of the Pritchetts said...

So clever. You are able to mock so well. Yet you must have to research to write these, because you know more about hair than I do. I can assume that my letter to you only threw gas on the fire, and I'm glad I could add to your satire. I have to say again that if you don't write a book, with some classically funny characters, the world will be very bereft.

sylver7 said...

What was your son's name? And why didn't you sign his name at the bottom?

Madison Matthews said...

Jeff-- Way to much time on your hands. All thought I f=greatly appreciate reading this...three weeks to late. Glad family life is treating you so well.:)Steph Matthews

Whitegirl716 said...

My sister, Dolly, just read this to me and when she got to the part about Preparation H I proceeded to vomit my pizza, Hot Cheetos, and Pepsi at the same time I peed my pants. I haven't peed my pants since I was 3! Not even when I was pregnant! Thanks for the laugh and hilarious humiliation. :)